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What Is Experience Marketing, and How Does It Help?

Experience Marketing

With a digital and technological world that advances by leaps and bounds, everything seems to indicate that only company with high-quality products and carry out experienced marketing campaigns will stand out. They also need to offer consumers a personalized service. In addition, give your customers sensory experiences that they will never forget. This will help you sell more and build customer loyalty.

Thus, many studies and experiments have been carried out. It has been proven that consumers prefer companies that offer them pleasant sensations when they are making their purchases.

Therefore, companies that want to succeed and be in consumers’ preferences will have to apply a good cognitive connection, that is, make people able to collect the product’s benefit through positive perceptions and experiences.

As a result, businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to differentiate themselves and position themselves in the preferences of their target audience. But don’t worry, for this you only have to focus on innovating and correctly applying the new marketing tools, such as Experience Marketing.

But, what can I achieve if I apply Experience Marketing to my company? Simply put, you will achieve that your company increases the level of loyalty, has a better online and offline reputation, and improves its rate of prospects, with which you will be able to stand out above your competition.

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A Brief History of Experience Marketing

Before delving fully into the topic of experience marketing, let’s first investigate a little more and give some historical data to reinforce the topic.

Experience marketing is also known as experiential marketing and was born in 1999 approximately. Thanks to the research carried out by Bernd H. Schmitt, who, through the publication of his book entitled “Experiential Marketing,” indicates that in the current market, consumers no longer give as much importance to the quality, advantages, or functionalities of products or services, even less to the prestige of the brand, as years ago. He also emphasizes that the consumer is more demanding and no longer settles for a few things, but now looks for products that touch their emotions and surprise them.

What is experiential marketing?

People are always looking to satisfy their senses, and that is why companies should give you unforgettable experiences through their advertising campaigns, customer service, shopping, etc. In short, the products, the company, and the brand fall in love and generate pleasant sensations for their customers.

That is why, every year, experience marketing becomes more important for companies that aim to make each purchase an unforgettable experience for consumers.

In that sense, experience marketing is how brands manage to establish a positive emotional bond with their consumers. So, thanks to Emotion Marketing, brands can build a good relationship with their customers by making them feel good.

It should be noted that neuromarketing makes a great contribution since it helps us understand and know people’s different levels of attention or reactions to external stimuli.

The Main Components of Emotional Marketing

How can I apply sensory marketing to my company?

Factors to Consider for Effective Emotional Marketing

To achieve excellent experience in marketing, the atmosphere of the place, the music, ornaments, smells, and lights must be adequate. Everything will count when it comes to creating pleasant sensations for consumers. In this way, you will arouse pleasant sensations in users, which will greatly assist them in the impulse to buy your products or acquire your services.

However, the goal is that the client enjoys good experiences and that these last until they reach their respective homes and, if possible, beyond. In the end, that will make the company stand out and stand above its competition, thus achieving an excellent relationship with customers.

How technology contributes to experience marketing

Lately, technology has become a great ally of experiential marketing since it helps you further enhance consumers’ emotions and create loyalty to the brand.

We present some of the latest technological innovations that you could consider when preparing your experience marketing plan.

Audio Spotlight

This technological tool, which in Spanish means “Directed Audio,” works with high-frequency broadcasts, which companies can use to send messages to their customers without external interruptions. This will attract people’s attention when they are near the products without hearing the noise of things or people around them.

Virtual Reality Games

Using Kinect V2 sensor technology, Oculus, and fabulous brainwave readers, customers will be able to play using their body’s limbs. Therefore, it will be a great attraction that can increase purchases.

3D holograms

They are widely used in clothing or retail stores. They are also ideal for giving an unforgettable experience to buyers and inviting them to return to buy.

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