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Secret Tips for Managing Your Brand or Company on Linkedin

Secret Tips for Managing Your Brand or Company on Linkedin

We teach you how to manage your brand on LinkedIn for companies and thus obtain favorable marketing results. Many digital marketing professionals do the right thing and create an account on this social network. However, they don’t quite understand what they should be doing. Here are some handy tips for better managing a brand on LinkedIn.

The importance of LinkedIn for companies

LinkedIn is a professional social network with a large number of users. The goal of having a LinkedIn profile is to establish a business, work, and academic connections with other professionals. In line with this, LinkedIn offers business search tools and job postings. For that reason, LinkedIn is considered a strategic social network for this niche audience.

So if you are a company that does not yet have a profile on this social network, you should know that actions on LinkedIn are not limited to sharing publications and finding collaborators. When you create a company page on LinkedIn, you can also access the realization of segmented paid advertisements that position you and help you stand out above the profiles of other companies in your field.

In addition, the company profile on Instagram will be a professional channel that serves to communicate with users around work issues. As well as putting your company in contact with other national and international companies to establish strategic alliances. You can also add the addresses of your website and other social networks to your company profile on LinkedIn to increase traffic on them.

How to Make a LinkedIn Business Page

First, to create a business profile on LinkedIn, you must have a personal profile to manage this account.

  1. Then you need to click on the “Products” menu, which is located in the upper right corner of the homepage.
  2. Swipe to the bottom and select “Company Pages.”
  3. Once there, select a type of page between the small company, medium-large company, product page, or educational institution.
  4. Complete the corresponding information.
  5. Click the “Create Page” button. Then, add the rest of the information you need to complete your profile, such as your profile picture, cover, and contact media.

Tips for managing your business profile on LinkedIn

To begin with, if you do not have a business profile on LinkedIn, in the previous section, we indicated the steps to create it. If you already have a page for your company on LinkedIn, ask yourself the following questions: When was the last time you evaluated it? Does your LinkedIn for Business profile correctly demonstrate what your business stands for? Do you attract potential customers?

If all or any of these questions have negative answers, you need to review your LinkedIn marketing strategy and schedule new actions. Likewise, we will guide you with a series of recommendations that can help you efficiently manage your company profile on LinkedIn and make it stand out from the rest.

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Add keywords to your LinkedIn profile for businesses.

It probably didn’t cross your mind to include keywords in your company or product description. However, it would help if you kept in mind that you can search for pages on LinkedIn using keywords. So, you have to make an effort to add them to your profile, which will naturally bring in new customers.

Also, the text you can add in the “About” section is long enough that you can add a revealing and engaging description of your business. So try to use strategic keywords to relate to your company. That way, you’ll increase your company’s presence in users’ searches on LinkedIn.

Place a profile and cover photo on your LinkedIn for Business account.

The LinkedIn company profile operates as a public organizational image of your brand. That is why you must take care of each element you place in it. One of them is the LinkedIn page profile picture, which has a dimension of 180 x 180 px. We recommend using your company’s logo or brand so that the users who enter your profile can identify it quickly.

On the other hand, LinkedIn offers you the possibility of placing a cover photo, which is the one that goes at the top of the page. The size for a LinkedIn company cover is 1536 x 768 px horizontally. In this case, you can add a professional photo of your company, such as the facilities, or place a detailed photo of an event.

Make a product page.

A product page is a page subordinate to your personal LinkedIn profile. On this page, you can promote a specific product or service your company provides. Why does it? Because you can use product-specific logos or cover images on this page, In addition, it offers web analytics, so you can easily see interested users, and you will have more space to promote the product, not necessarily your entire business.

As we described before, you have to enter your profile to create this type of page. Then go to “Company Pages,” and you will see the option to create a product page. When you select it, you must fill in the information it asks for, and it will be ready so that you can optimize and use it. Just remember that LinkedIn allows you to have up to 10 of these pages. For that reason, it is important to consider which products are worth promoting on their own.

Add a “Follow us on LinkedIn” button.

A simple way to increase your number of followers on LinkedIn is by using a “Follow us on LinkedIn” button on your website. You can add it in the social media section, but you need to ensure that the link is placed correctly.

Your most loyal customers and potential customers will notice this badge and not hesitate to follow you. In this way, you can grow your business profile on LinkedIn organically and without paying a penny in advertising.

Create quality content.

Chances are, you’ve already been posting content on your LinkedIn business profile. But it may be that you have not generated a content plan according to the brand image. If that’s the case, we recommend you try to improve your degree of commitment by publishing these types of statements:

1.Pose inquiries

To be successful on any social network, you will need a community with many followers. And a good way to do that is through word of mouth, so if you want people to talk about your brand, they’re going to need to feel connected to it. You have to ask them questions that invite them to assess their needs and expectations to do this. Also, this way, you will have the opportunity to learn how you can change your product or service or the way you offer it.

2.Distribute statistics

If your company is dedicated to doing research, sharing the results will be appreciated by your followers. This type of information will give your customers the idea that the company is constantly evaluating them for a better product or service. In addition, by offering the results, you will be transparent, which will give greater credibility to your company.

LinkedIn is a good platform to share information with your followers if you have a blog. Likewise, it will help you position yourself as an opinion leader in your field, even bringing new traffic to your website. This will give you the opportunity for the user to go through the conversion funnel.

4.Distribute testimonials

A great way to humanize the brand and make it close to its users and potential customers is by offering testimonials from other users. To do this, you can use videos or repost the publications of users who have mentioned you in their profiles. In the same way, you can make a hashtag to group these testimonials and make them a possible trend.

Finally, on LinkedIn for Business

Given its presence in the online business environment, it can be one of the potential means of contact with potential customers. For these reasons, you must follow all the best practices on LinkedIn for Business. That way, people can find you easily to retain more customers.

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