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Secret Tips for a Freelancer in Digital Marketing

Secret Tips for a Freelancer in Digital Marketing

What is a freelancer? Next, we will solve this and several more questions related to freelancers, in addition to giving you some useful tips that will help you better manage your jobs, whether you are a professional in digital marketing or a community manager.

To begin, a freelancer, also known as a freelancer, works on their own time on projects related to their profession or occupation. In that sense, the most common question for a worker when he wants to launch himself as a freelancer is: how do I get my first client? We will give you some tips that will help you get it quickly.

Define what services you want to provide.

Before offering your services, clearly define what you would like to offer. Always keep in mind what benefits you are providing your client. Think about whether you would like to create strategic plans or if you would like to execute them. If you like to write, you can have that point in your favor if a client wants to implement a blog.

Consider offering free services for a short time.

Experience is one of the most important things to find in a customer. Having satisfied customers may be just what you need to close a new account. If you do free work, make sure you work at 100% and offer the best possible customer service. A good period to give pro-bono work to a company is three months. If you do a good job, even that person may hire you.

Treat everyone personally.

When you are in opportunities where you can meet professionals, act in a friendly way, and try to demonstrate your mastery of the subject of digital marketing. You never know which contact might contact you later to manage an account.

Be honest and communicate what interests you.

If you are passionate about something, it may be a good idea to communicate it with a potential client, even more so if it is related to your field or business. You never know if your personality and personal history might attract someone interested in your services.

Make sure you have good cards.

Your cards should clearly state what you do. Give them to the people you know, and in this way, they will take you into account if they require any of your services. Also, it is a good idea to hand out cards at professional events and conferences.

Attend networking events.

Networking events are a good place to find and meet new people in your field or who may be interested in your services. Although they are not yet very developed in Latin America, they still provide a good opportunity to meet new people. Be sure to hand out your professional card.

Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the largest network of professionals globally, and the chances are that the client you are looking for uses this tool. Some elements will help you find your first clients, such as the job search engine and conversation groups. Stay active on this social network, and it will be easier for them to find you.

Maintain a good image online.

As a digital marketing professional, you must maintain a good online image impeccably. Keep your LinkedIn, oDesk, and Elance up to date. These tools will help you find work, so make sure they show what you’d like a prospective client to see.

Search within your professional network.

If you already have relationships with some companies, it may be a good idea to contact them to offer your services. As they already know you, they will probably give you greater relevance in front of someone new.

Search within your network.

Your family and friends will always want to help you and see you succeed. For this reason, they are more likely to be willing to offer you a job or, in any case, talk about you with someone who is looking for the services you provide.


The biggest concern of anyone who wants to become a freelancer is getting that first client. However, if you stay consistent, there will be many occasions to close that important first account.

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