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Advanced Formulas and Functions in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a program that is part of the Microsoft Office package, which remains one of the most important and used tools at work. Therefore, we have prepared a list of 10 advanced Excel formulas so that you can perform broader statistical and numerical operations. We also define the user levels and the difference between them and the functions.

What is Excel?

Excel is a program developed by Microsoft Office for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. It is used for data analysis and documentation. In addition, it is a spreadsheet tool that includes “cells” with data or small pieces of information. Excel stands out because it allows you to organize the information clearly and precisely. As a consequence, it is easier to find and extract information. It is important to mention that it has calculation, graphical tools, pivot tables, and a programming language.

What do you do in advanced, basic, and intermediate Excel?

Excel is a computer program with many tools that help speed up the process of mathematical calculations. Therefore, it is important to mention that there are different levels of users since some functions can be complex. Consequently, if you want to take advantage of the Excel tool in its entirety, it is important to take courses taught by specialists. Next, we will mention the user level and how they perform.


He usually uses Excel as a calculator for sums and products. This person also knows how to enter data to store information in the electronic sheet.


Learn how to implement basic Excel math functions, including divisions, percentages, statistics, and autosum. In addition, they know how to filter data and make simple graphs. On the other hand, they use formats to change the colors of the cells and the size of the typography.

It employs financial functions, statistics, and some logical functions. In addition, he knows how to implement advanced graphics and edit them to modify the design and information. At this level, conditional formats and data forms are used.


Learn about the most advanced Excel functions and how to build nested functions. It also uses subtotals, complex tables, and dynamic charts. Simple macro recordings are also made, and graphics are mastered. This level differs from the intermediate level because you import data from Access and.txt formats.


Get to know Excel resources in-depth and whether you can program with the VBA language. It also works with advanced financial tools such as From, SHOOT, and Nper. It also knows about text functions and consolidates data from many external utilities. He can automate his work and has some basic programming skills.

Excel Programmer: 

A computer specialist proficient in Excel and understands how to integrate it with other programs.

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Excel items

As we have already mentioned, Excel is a complete computer program that can perform various functions to facilitate and speed up the process. Therefore, we must mention the Excel elements found in every worksheet. In addition, many of them are basic to performing any formula and other action.

Differences between Formula and Advanced Excel Function

Excel has established formulas for functions to speed up work. Both can work independently to combine formulas with functions to achieve their goal. They differ because of the structure of the operation. Excel formulas contain mathematical symbols such as – and +, and functions contain words and parenthesis.

Excel advanced formulas

Excel Advanced formulas are mathematical operations that can be performed in the program to combine elements. Furthermore, we recommend that people who want to expand their knowledge and become Excel experts take specialized courses. We will list 10 advanced Excel formulas that can be done from home.

1. SI: It is critical to understand the values.

This is one of the best features of Microsoft Excel because it allows you to make logical comparisons between one value and another. For that reason, you could have two results: true and false. It also allows you to evaluate text and values and detect errors.

2. CONCATENATE: Allows data to be combined.

Concatenating formulas allow you to combine two strings, especially when working with databases. An example of this is when the formularies have different fields for names and appellations. In these cases, one creates a third camp with a “nombre completo” and one colocates the formula concatenar para combinarlos automáticamente.

3. CONTACT.SI: Advanced Excel Formula for Counting Cells

CONTACT.SI is one of the most commonly used statistical functions because it allows you to count the number of cells that meet a predefined criterion. In a frame with 100 names, one can establish a count. If you want to know how many times Barcelona or any other city is repeated, click here.

4. SUMAR.SI: Complete the data summarization process.

SUMAR formula is one of the most important functions for working correctly in Excel. It operates similarly to the SI tool, except that instead of displaying a value, it sums the data of all those who meet a predefined logical rule.

5. Left-Right: specialized for data recovery

This function is very useful for creating codes in a database. You can use it to cut a portion of the code. Right or inquired of a Zelda. Furthermore, combining it with Concatenar makes it possible to create codes for users quickly.

6.CONTAR.SI.Excel advanced formula for accounting based on rules

The operation is similar to that of a calculator. Yes, with the significant difference, it facilitates various rules. This feature increases its utility by segmenting the number of users in a given group. The base of data is that you meet two rules.

7. SUMAR.Allows information to be cross-referenced.

SUMAR formulaSi.conjunto allows you to cross information with two rules, and those who follow them will have their data combined. Good use of this function would determine total billing in a database while accounting for various segmentation criteria or the number of products sold by a specific brand.

CONSIDER A tool that allows you to compare data sets.

MATCH is an advanced Excel formula that allows you to search for and make references. To put it another way, find out a specific element within a range of cells to revert its position. If the B3: B5 contains the numbers 1, 2, and 3, the formula = COINCIDE (2, B3: B5, 0) returns to the second Zelda.

Search: Permit to search for values.

BUSCARV is a formula that allows you to quickly find a value within a database, whether in a table or a range of files. Then, tell it which column you want, and it will show you the value it found in your matrix.

8. PROMO.SI: Formula for calculating the arithmetic mean

The promo.SI formula is one of the most commonly used tools in Excel for statistical data. This is in charge of returning the arithmetic mean or average of the user-specified cells. To put it another way, predetermined criteria are established to determine the average of several cells that meet them.


As a good digital marketing professional, you must know everything to develop a tool as useful as Microsoft Excel. If you get to drive at an advanced level, you will have greater productivity at work, and it will not go unnoticed by your bosses. You can also complement your knowledge by taking Office for Business courses, which will help you in your daily work.

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