You have just finished building your website, and it’s time to share it with the world. A logical question: how to make it so that it will be seen? The promotion of your site should not be an expensive operation. But there are many effective ways to promote your website for free.
You’ve probably already seen articles with similar headings that promise to reveal the secret of free promotion. And, most likely, the last step in such publications required paying for some service. This will not happen here. Today, we will tell you about ten working ways to promote your website that do not require money.
10 effective ways to promote your website for free
- SEO optimization
- Email marketing
- Blogging
- Articles from experts in the field
- Social networks
- Online catalogs
- Participation in forums
- Influence marketing
- Personal signature
- Quality
1. SEO optimization
SEO or search engine optimization is one of the most effective ways to promote your website on Google and other search engines. Unlike SEM (Search Engine Marketing), SEO is completely free: in most cases, the results depend on the quality of the published content, the ease of navigation of the site, and the number of links you get from outside. In addition, an important part of good SEO is to use certain keywords or phrases on the site, add alternate text to images and optimize SEO- titles and descriptions.
SEO takes time and effort, but many free SEO tools will save you time and effort to make your life a little easier. These free tools will guide you through the entire SEO optimization process. These tools also create a detailed checklist with all the elements that need to be optimized for the best search result.
2. Email marketing
Email marketing, which is always at the top of the way to promote, repeatedly proves its effectiveness and, therefore, does not give up. Studies have found that for every dollar spent, the average return is $ 38. Sure, anyone can send out a newsletter and get multiple views, but writing well-written and, most importantly, effective writing is almost an art. Make sure your content is short, and to the point, the button is visible, and the content is interesting. The goal is to stand out from hundreds of other corporate emails.
3. Blogging
Blogging is great. And not only because you are reading our blog now, but because its presence improves the site’s ranking in search engines and increases its conversion. A blog is a great place to share your expertise, tell more about your products, updates, and the industry.

4. Expert articles
In addition to your blog posts, you can invite an expert to complement your feed with their posts. This is a popular tactic that benefits both sides. For a blogger, this is an opportunity to expand their audience, start collaborating with a brand and improve their skills. For you – links to his mother’s resources – a website, social networks – and a fresh look from a person whose opinion you trust.
5. Social networks
Companies that use social media as a promotion tool do everything right. Use the most suitable platform – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – or several at once. Regular interaction with your audience increases customer loyalty, and as a result, their desire to buy your products or services. Don’t forget about cross-promotion – share your Instagram posts on Twitter or your latest blog post on your Facebook business page. Don’t forget to add the icons of the social networks you have an account with so that visitors can easily find them.
6. Online catalogs
While most people google what they are looking for, adding your site to online directories is a good idea. This is another platform, and free, to promote your website. Use such free services as Google or Yandex, and don’t forget about specialized directories in your area.
7. Participation in forums
A little self-promotion never hurts. Forums are another way to tell people about your site. In addition to direct self-promotion, you can learn a lot about your audience, current customer requests and competitors. Alternatively, you can create your forum using the cloud retouch Forum to have your discussion area.
8. Influence Marketing

Influencer marketing involves connecting with other people in your business category, bloggers and influencers. Define the goals you want to achieve with blogger posting. Write a request letter to tell about yourself and interest him. Such placements can be paid or bartered, sometimes free, if your product, service or project is very popular or has social significance. The blogger himself wants as many people as possible to know about it.
9. Personal signature
Surely you already have a signature, which is automatically placed at the end of every letter that you send. Add your business logo, social media links, and website links to it. So, everyone: who opens your letter will see your brand name again. If you released an update and wrote about it on a blog, create a banner with the post’s subject, which will stand out, and some of the users will click on it.
10. Quality
When creating content to advertise or promote your site, focus on creating high-quality copy and images that will keep up with today’s demands. Attention to detail is one of the most important skills found in successful business people.