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10 Best and Free Ways to Driving Traffic to Your Website

increase website traffic

Building a website is only half the battle. For your page to find a sufficient number of visitors, you need to know how to drive traffic to the site. This article will show you how to drive traffic to your website faster with paid advertising and organic promotion.

How to drive traffic to the site

  1. Tell your loved ones about the site
  2. Be active on the platforms where your target audience sits
  3. Run paid ads and use free coupons
  4. Create exclusive offers
  5. Appear on similar resources
  6. Invite guests to your platform
  7. Work with influencers
  8. Create an account on Google My Business
  9. Submit your site to online directories

1. Tell your loved ones about the site

Before launching the site, show it to your friends and relatives. Listen to their comments and make adjustments to the finished version.

Send messages to your contacts.

Tell your Facebook friends, LinkedIn contacts, and email about the site. Use personalized messages, describe the site in detail, and avoid marketing jargon. Your message should be friendly and personal and not look like a clichéd email marketing campaign.

Share the link to the site on social networks.

Write a post about launching the site. Let your friends comment, like, and share it on their pages to increase engagement. To make your post visually appealing, use a social media post editor.

Send a newsletter to the contact database.

This is a good way to reach a wider audience. Using Gmail, you can easily sync your contacts with a free email marketing tool. After that, you need to set up the mailing list layout and send it.

2. Be active on the platforms where your target audience sits.

Create a list of online platforms that your target audience visits. Start being active there. Leave comments and make posts every day. So users will be interested in your site and product.

If you consistently leave valuable feedback and thoughtful comments, moderators are more likely to notice you. This will help establish contact with them and open the way for possible collaborations.

Check out the discussions on Quora and Reddit. Their people are looking for answers to questions about very specific topics. This makes them ideal platforms for showing off your professionalism.

3. Run paid ads and use free coupons.

Plenty of advertising platforms offer free coupons or discounts for new users. New offers are coming out, so make sure you take advantage of all platforms.

Such coupons will provide an opportunity for experimentation. It will be easier for you to choose what works for your site and what doesn’t without spending a fortune on it.

4. Create exclusive offers

Find communities, channels, or platforms with the right audience for you. Contact the person who manages a particular platform and offers cooperation. They will often be happy with such an offer, and users will be happy to receive a coupon.

5. Appear on similar resources

Contact the owners of online resources suitable for you and offer to write an article for their website or blog. You can also become a podcast guest or a member of a Youtube video. So you will have the opportunity to increase your authority in the industry and share a link to the site.

6. Invite guests to your platform

By inviting others to create content on your platform, you can easily fill your site with rich and interesting content. This is suitable for a blog, podcast, video, and other media types. Chances are your guests will be promoting content to their audience, which will lead to more traffic.

7. Work with influencers

Create a list of influencers whose interests overlap with your brand. Offer them cooperation. Try partnering with a few to see which influencers are doing the best.

8. Create a Google My Business account

If you have a physical address, then a Google My Business profile will increase your chances of appearing in search results. When someone searches for a business in your area, chances are your details, and website link will be among the first to appear.

A completed profile helps the business look more professional, and past clients are more likely to leave reviews, photos, and ratings. This helps strengthen your online image and drive more traffic to your site.

10. Submit your site to online directories

There are many sites, directories, and other platforms based on user-generated content on the web. Many people visit these resources, so this is a great chance to increase awareness.

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