As we all know, WhatsApp is Facebook’s instant messaging app that has expanded worldwide. It has managed to position itself as the favorite messaging application for users. Therefore, companies have begun implementing it as a direct communication channel within their digital marketing strategy. As a result, WhatsApp Business was born for small and medium-sized companies.
What is WhatsApp Business?
- What is WhatsApp Business?
- The Features of WhatsApp Business
- 1. The Appearance of WhatsApp Business
- 2. Notification of Trading Accounts
- 3. Product Catalog on Whatsapp
- 4. Automated messaging
- 5.WhatsApp Tags
- 6. Statistics for WhatsApp Business
- 7. Hyperlinks
- What can be done with WhatsApp Business?
- 8. Improve team communication
- 9. Improve your customer communication.
- 10. Use it as a digital marketing channel.
- Connectivity between WhatsApp Business and Facebook
- Applications to manage messages in WhatsApp Business.
- Conclusion
WhatsApp Business is an application available on Android and iPhone for businesses. Therefore, it facilitates interaction with potential customers through its tools to automate, classify, and respond quickly to messages. It is important to mention that it is designed to work like conventional WhatsApp since it has the same tools. Additionally, it includes the following functions:
- Business profile to list information about the company.
- Tags to easily organize and find chats and messages.
- Automatic message options and short replies to reply to users.
- Homologation with Facebook and Instagram.
- Creation and administration of catalogs
The Features of WhatsApp Business
We have already mentioned that WhatsApp Business is designed for small businesses. For that reason, it has features that help brands have a commercial presence on WhatsApp and make it easier to communicate with potential customers. In short, WhatsApp for Business has additional features than the standard app. Therefore, we will list the main features and differences between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business.
1. The Appearance of WhatsApp Business
The first notable difference is that WhatsApp Business features a logo with B’s letter. In addition, you can add a cover photo, work area, description, location, and work schedule. Other data that can be included are links and product catalogs. Your commercial profile is one of the first things a user sees, so you need to finish it to be seen as a pro.
2. Notification of Trading Accounts
Business account notifications are one of the most outstanding features of WhatsApp Business. It’s about the message users receive when they contact a company. Therefore, when they make the first interaction, they will see a notification in the chat that says, “This chat is with a business account.” Tap to learn more. “
3. Product Catalog on Whatsapp
We emphasize that WhatsApp Business has the section to add catalogs of your products. This gives you the advantage of having an online showcase of your business. You can also add images, descriptions, prices, and codes. We highlight that you will provide general information about your products and services to customers by using WhatsApp catalogs.
4. Automated messaging
WhatsApp Business has options to automate messages that will help save time and create effective communication with your community. In addition, these types of messages will make your potential customers feel valued. Therefore, we will mention the 3 types of automatic messages that you can use:
Absence messages: An automatic response to customers who contact you when you have set the “unavailable” period.
Welcome Message: A welcome message to customers when they start the conversation.
Quick answers: It makes it easy to create templates while chatting with customers. These are characterized by being common phrases that you can send.
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5.WhatsApp Tags
WhatsApp Business tags are used to structure and differentiate your customers. They also help you organize and understand the current stage of communication with each client. On the other hand, they speed up finding chats and messages. These groupings can be set in different colors and names.
6. Statistics for WhatsApp Business
WhatsApp Business metrics is a useful tool to measure the effectiveness of your account as a communication channel with your customers. Therefore, it gives you an overview of the chats and the number of messages sent, delivered, read, and received. We emphasize that statistics are a feature that will help you get an idea of how good WhatsApp Business is for your company.
7. Hyperlinks
WhatsApp Business’s short link allows you to share a URL that leads directly to your chat. It is used so that customers can start a conversation with you without the need to save you as a contact. Therefore, you must share this link on your digital channels, incorporate it into your email signature, and ensure that your community knows that you use WhatsApp. (Missing the addition of message customization.) There are even WhatsApp link generators with which you can configure this link with a default message.
What can be done with WhatsApp Business?
We have already mentioned WhatsApp Business and how it differs from conventional WhatsApp. In addition, it has been the most used communication platform for companies in recent years because it has several advantages when used optimally. Therefore, we will mention the main actions you can take when using WhatsApp for business.
8. Improve team communication
Whenever you try to implement a tool for internal communication in a company, there is a lot of resistance. That’s because team members don’t want to adapt to a new tool they don’t know about. However, the good thing about using WhatsApp Business is that it is very likely that almost everyone is already using it.
Therefore, it is a comfortable platform for workers because it accommodates their habits. In addition, they will have work messages together with their messages. Another point in favor of WhatsApp Business is that it gives users the ease of using it from the browser.
9. Improve your customer communication.
Customer support is a point at which many businesses suffer, but they can fix these problems using WhatsApp Business. Users are characterized by feeling more comfortable sending messages than calls, which results in a problem for companies since it takes longer to respond to messages.
Therefore, implementing the tools that WhatsApp Business offers to companies will help you reduce the time and effort it takes to have clear communication with your customers. Also, if you adjust your company profile with all the necessary data, you will have fewer questions to answer. We think it is important to mention that having WhatsApp is important since it establishes more direct communication with your potential customers.
10. Use it as a digital marketing channel.
WhatsApp is an extremely powerful tool for one-to-one communication. This application can send various files, such as images, audio, and videos of its products. There are fewer limitations on the type of format your message can have compared to emails. In addition, the probability that the message will reach the desired user is higher. So, it’s important not to send spam and talk to your loyal customers instead.
Connectivity between WhatsApp Business and Facebook
Connecting the WhatsApp Business account with the Facebook profile can generate ads with links that direct the user to the chat of this messaging application. That is, you can include the “send message” button in promoted Facebook and Instagram posts.
- To connect both accounts, you must first create a profile on WhatsApp Business.
- Then go to your business’s Facebook profile and head to “settings.”
- Click on the WhatsApp option found in the left column.
- Enter the phone number you use in your WhatsApp Business account, including the country code.
- Click “Continue” and enter the confirmation code that will be sent to your phone, then click “Confirm.”
Applications to manage messages in WhatsApp Business.
It is a platform that allows you to answer WhatsApp messages from one place, improving customer service and sales. In addition, you can integrate Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and other sales channels and handle responses using a bot. It also has an integrated CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to generate user databases.
Web Sirena
Callbell is another alternative for messaging management in WhatsApp that allows integrations with Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and Telegram. It also provides interaction statistics analysis options and 24-hour support. In addition, you can create widgets that are shortcut micro-apps.
Web Callbell
The client is a chatbot platform that allows you to chat 24/7 with customers who visit a website. You can even manage to have an advisor take over the conversation when you identify a sales and conversion opportunity. In addition, it includes a CRM system to manage customer information, share it with the work team, and visualize metrics.
Client Website
Trengo allows you to unify several communication channels into a single inbox and automate customer responses. Among the messaging services you can manage together are WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct, Telegram, and others. On the other hand, you can assign conversations with users to a particular team to resolve queries.
Trengo Website is one of the complete platforms to manage instant-messaging tools. You can use a free version that allows you to add five team members and send unlimited messages, up to 100 contacts, on all channels. You can send alerts and business updates according to the format of each messaging channel. In addition, it allows you to assign the appropriate groups that will serve the customer.
WhatsApp is a powerful communication tool for businesses as it is very popular worldwide. As a result, having a WhatsApp Business account will provide you with significant advantages in connecting with your potential customers. In addition, it is easy to use and has a lot of tools to make it a good way to get information.
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