We will create a list of publications with which you will solve the doubt about how to make attractive publications on Facebook. Social networks should be part of your digital marketing strategies because they are considered important to publicize your brand’s existence on the Internet. Therefore, if you manage a business or company, one of the first steps you should take is to create your fan page on Facebook.

Once your Facebook page is created, you need to add the main banner and profile picture with your company logo. The next step is to make your brand known through publications. To begin with, we recommend that the publications not only be beautiful but also contain information to generate interest and add value to your followers. If you find it a bit complicated, we will help you solve your doubts with these 5 effective Facebook posts that we present below.
Phrases that inspire and motivate
If you want to know how to make attractive posts on Facebook, we believe that you can incorporate inspirational phrases that call for reflection into your content. Contributing with motivating ideas to lift people’s spirits will help you generate empathy from your community. Also, are encourage their Facebook followers to share their publications with other friends.
For example, you can post motivational photos or videos with phrases. With this, you will achieve more interactions on social networks and make your brand better known. Also, never forget that these posts should be attractive as they seek to motivate your followers to comment and share them. We leave you some options for motivational phrases.
- If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney
- The top is not reached by surpassing others but by surpassing yourself.
- Being big is not a matter of size but attitude.
- Don’t settle for what you need; fight for what you deserve.

Publication of questions that generate interaction
Questions are another publication that could help you increase your interaction and improve your arrival. If you have an established community, we recommend asking an interesting question, as it will be answered with some information. We emphasize that the question has to be very attractive, which encourages people to have their say in it. We think that you can ask for something related to the tastes or preferences of your followers.
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For example, if you have a page for moms, some questions that will arouse the interaction of your followers are about the meaning of your baby’s name. On the other hand, a clothing brand may place two products considered for a new launch and ask which one they like best. Other questions that usually arouse people’s interest are those related to particular tastes in society. An example of this is consulting if they prefer pizza with or without pineapple or what sweet they prefer.
The questions asked about a decision are also widely used. As an example, we have an instrument store. This can raise the question of the best gift for a person who loves music. Also, consider asking questions that evidence the intelligence of your followers; here, you mention problems of mathematical logic.
Publication of surveys
Surveys are a type of Facebook post that seeks community interaction. Within them, questions are established to know the likes and dislikes of users. When conducting a survey, you must propose options for answers, and these can be through text, photographs, or GIFs. We emphasize that they make followers feel heard and that their opinion is important to the brand. One of the main benefits of implementing surveys is that it increases the engagement and reach of publications.
Specialist Publications
When in doubt about how to make attractive publications on Facebook, we recommend the publications of specialists since they are made to generate quality content. This type of post should be subject to the topics that the fan page dominates. The posts must give information related to the area to which they are dedicated. It is worth mentioning that these are given without any commercial interest since they have an educational focus. It intends to provide valuable content to followers. On the other hand, we highlight the importance of touching on topics of interest that solve doubts or arouse the community’s curiosity.
Likely, this type of publication is already doing it and giving you good results. Therefore, we will mention some extra tips to complement your knowledge. For this type of publication on Facebook, you must announce to your followers that the weekend has arrived funnily. These publications will not lose since no one does not get excited about the weekend.
You can publish funny content or curious facts related to not-so-academic topics. We also think it’s an opportunity to talk about activities and advise places to visit. We recommend accompanying them with videos, images, and texts that represent the joy of the weekend’s arrival.
Making different posts on Facebook will make it look more professional. In addition, this will help generate engagement from followers. On the other hand, your community manager must respond to the followers’ comments to strengthen the link. This will make users recognize the fan page is active.
If you want to learn more about managing successful ad campaigns on Facebook or become an expert social media manager, you can sign up for a Community Manager Course. It could also be useful to participate in a Facebook Fundamentals Course for your business, where you will learn in-depth the types of existing publications to develop creative and quality content.